ROV’s Remote Operated Vehicles and Drones.

We design and build special purpose machines.

We Also operate a variety of camera and video Equipped Aerial drones to capture images.

This ROV can descend to 300feet depth in fresh or salt water with full remote control and live video to the surface.

Our Drones, (Fixed wing or Multi-copters)

We can position our equipment in the sky to take the best advantage and viewpoint for your HD images and 4K videos,  We also provide editing services. 

This service is used by :-
Builders and Engineers.
Real estate professionals.
Roof and building inspectors. 
Advertising media. 

Our pilots are Certified under Transport Canada. 

Fixed Wing and Drone images.

We use the best machine for the work to be done.

Our rates are low, we work hard to please..

Local Truck Garage

Checking farm problems 

City Scape

Fixed Wing Drone

